coding and fitness

Juggling Fitness, Full-Time Studies, and a Full Stack Software Engineering Career

By The Coding Diva
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Juggling Fitness, Full-Time Studies, and a Full Stack Software Engineering Career

As a full-time student pursuing a BS in Computer Science and a full-time full stack software engineer, life can get incredibly busy. In the midst of juggling academics and a demanding career, I decided to embark on a personal fitness journey to stay healthy and maintain my well-being. In this article, I'll share my experiences with walking, light yoga, and a 5-pound weight loss while navigating the challenges of balancing studies, work, and self-care. (Please note, I am not a fitness expert.)

Follow my Progress: 🌟👩‍💻 Day 7 💪🧘‍♀️

  1. Prioritizing Self-Care With such a packed schedule, it's easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. However, I've found that taking the time to prioritize my well-being has had a positive impact on my studies, work, and overall happiness. Incorporating daily walks and light yoga sessions into my routine has allowed me to recharge and refocus, making me more productive in the long run.

  2. Time Management and Planning In order to make time for fitness, I've had to become an expert in time management and planning. I schedule my workouts and study sessions in advance, and I ensure that I stay organized and efficient in my professional duties. By making a conscious effort to allocate time for self-care and exercise, I've been able to maintain a more balanced lifestyle.

  3. Staying Motivated Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. Tracking my progress, setting achievable goals, and celebrating milestones have all been crucial in keeping me motivated throughout this fitness journey. The positive changes in my physical and mental health have also fueled my determination to continue prioritizing my well-being.

  4. Tips for Balancing It All If you're also trying to balance a demanding schedule while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, here are some tips I've found helpful:

  • Prioritize self-care and allocate time for exercise, even if it means adjusting your schedule.
  • Develop strong time management and planning skills.
  • Set achievable goals and track your progress.
  • Stay flexible and be prepared to adapt your routine when necessary.
  • Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and use them as motivation to continue on your journey.

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Balancing my full-time studies, a full stack software engineering career, and a personal fitness journey has been challenging but rewarding. By prioritizing self-care, effectively managing my time, and staying motivated, I've been able to improve my physical and mental health while excelling in my academics and career. I hope my experiences can inspire you to find your own balance and prioritize your well-being amidst your busy schedule.

Happy coding, and here's to a healthier, happier you!

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